О, да тут есть поэты... Ну, позвольте - присоединюсь.
Английский - родной язык (почти). К тому же это - моё любимое...

The Deliverance.

Past years of tricks
Comes time to see
What the clock shows
The Hell past six
The half past me
This is my Eternity
Buried in the Black Snows

Past life thou dote
Ways made of sand
Counting the quarters
Go down my road
Mine has no end
This is my Infinity
Drowned in the Black Waters

Too much I've lost
And to my shame
I never tried to rise
This is not a ghost
Not a roaming flame
This is just my rebel Soul
Fallen down from the Paradise

Don't scream, my angel
Don't show your fear
Of what has started
There is no danger
Of all in here
This is my black hole Heart
A gift for the Heart-departed

Come on, get high
For your desire
The heaven's crying
So you could try
To light my fire
Ain't this my dark Love
Waiting to see me dying?...

In all there's Light
The Dark, the War...
D'you see the difference?
No one will fight
Like 'twas before
The war is over forever more
And this is got to be my Deliverance.