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  1. #1

    По умолчанию Стихи на иностранних языках, переводы

    О, да тут есть поэты... Ну, позвольте - присоединюсь.
    Английский - родной язык (почти). К тому же это - моё любимое...

    The Deliverance.

    Past years of tricks
    Comes time to see
    What the clock shows
    The Hell past six
    The half past me
    This is my Eternity
    Buried in the Black Snows

    Past life thou dote
    Ways made of sand
    Counting the quarters
    Go down my road
    Mine has no end
    This is my Infinity
    Drowned in the Black Waters

    Too much I've lost
    And to my shame
    I never tried to rise
    This is not a ghost
    Not a roaming flame
    This is just my rebel Soul
    Fallen down from the Paradise

    Don't scream, my angel
    Don't show your fear
    Of what has started
    There is no danger
    Of all in here
    This is my black hole Heart
    A gift for the Heart-departed

    Come on, get high
    For your desire
    The heaven's crying
    So you could try
    To light my fire
    Ain't this my dark Love
    Waiting to see me dying?...

    In all there's Light
    The Dark, the War...
    D'you see the difference?
    No one will fight
    Like 'twas before
    The war is over forever more
    And this is got to be my Deliverance.

  2. #2
    Обращенный Неонат Аватар для A RabbitHearted Girl
    St. Petersburg
    Записей в дневнике

    По умолчанию

    Еще один перевод:


    Жар в небесах и холод на земле.
    Моей энергии испил водоворот.
    И мысли мечутся в склоненной голове:
    Когда закончится сей бесконечный ход.

    Кровь высосали демоны в аду,
    Взамен мне дали дьявольский настой.
    Гниющий зомби, я к живым иду,
    Опаснее, чем то, что завать чумой.

    Людские чувства меркнут неспеша.
    Когда всему наступит свой финал,
    Уйдет запятнанная времененм душа,
    И из гниющих пальцев меч пропал.

    Но я живу и чую боя дрожь.
    Я брошу вызов проклятым мирам.
    И мне не важно: правда или ложь,
    Лишь в смерти сердце в холод не отдам.

    Оригинал см. выше (The Damnation)
    DeLife, надеюсь вы не против?
    No more rabbits in my hat to make things right.

  3. #3

    По умолчанию

    хм... ваши стихи - довольно интересны и хороши
    Предалагю вашему вниманию свой:

    It's my knife.

    It's my knife, taken for killing,
    For breaking off the life,
    For making bleeding.
    It's my knife! You'll understand, -
    From eught p.m. till five a.m.
    It's resting on my cruel hand,
    I like this way and each new day
    Is just beginning of nightmare.
    Into your life I'll bring my dream,
    Regardless of your quiet prayer.
    It's my knife and you will scream,
    Because it's normal state - to scare!

    Love is emotion, which I can't remember.
    It doesn't matter. I will not surrender!
    I'd never felt this sense of living.
    Why so? Because I can't believe in.
    Let Darkness guide my knife again!
    And neither it is snow nor rain,
    My hunt is primary objective.
    And please don't think that I'm defective!
    I want be free from human hive.
    And what will help me? It's my knife!
    I feel no sorow, I have a groove.
    I'm waiting for victims and they move...

  4. #4
    Обращенный Неонат Аватар для A RabbitHearted Girl
    St. Petersburg
    Записей в дневнике

    По умолчанию

    IdeeFixe, моё почтение. Очень интересное стихотворение.
    Особенно понравились строки:

    You'll understand, -
    From eught p.m. till five a.m.

    It's my knife and you will scream,
    Because it's normal state - to scare!

    Хотя, признаться, местами читать тяжеловато - ритм, похоже, сбивается.

    А вот что у меня сегодня родилось на паре английского:

    Vampire's Night

    I smell the blood,
    I put my way
    Through lonely streets.
    I act, I play,

    I hunt, I chase
    My victim's steps,
    I call his mind -
    This never ends.

    I hold his hand,
    I put my arm
    Around his waist -
    He stays so calm.

    I lean my head
    And stick my teeth
    Inside his neck.
    I feel no grief.

    I taste his blood,
    I drink it all
    And then I send
    Another call.

    I leave the corpse
    In lonely streets,
    And his fresh blood
    In my veins fleets.

    The morning comes,
    And then I hide
    In darkest vault,
    On darkest side.

    :o :o :o
    No more rabbits in my hat to make things right.

  5. #5

    По умолчанию

    Суперррр :evil:

    Откопал у себя стишок с похожим ритмом...

    The Chasm.

    You stopped my rage.
    Our ways had crossed.
    We both in cage,
    And key is lost.

    You see my flesh,
    It’s pale like bone.
    The ancient ash
    Of fallen one.

    You touch my hand
    It can’t caress.
    My life demand
    The loneness.

    I trust no one.
    I swore to hate.
    You should just run
    Deceive your fate.

    The truth spills out
    Like blood from vein
    You feel my doubt.
    Old scars cause pain.

    The bounding link.
    You like this sense.
    For me means nothing
    Your innocence.

    It’s seems too bright.
    My heart in spasm…
    It guide my flight
    To depths of chasm.

    Like deadly bane
    It flows in me
    It seems insane,
    But let it be.

  6. #6

    По умолчанию

    Хм... ритм, говоришь))) тогда вот... с нормальным ритмом

    The Dark World.

    I'm slowly walking down the street.
    The night is coming. I know it.
    The city's changing in my eyes,
    Becoming far from humanize.

    Oh, yes. Then Darkness comes inside.
    You can't feel it, but dead men gride.
    They can't forget the time they live,
    And their fury I'll receive.

    At last I feel I'm strong enough.
    The street is listening to laugh.
    Ligth Force feels useless of the fight,
    And it retreats before my might.

    This is what you can't see.
    It makes heartbeat in me.
    Dark World can set you free.
    Let it be. Let it be.

    I'm slowly walking down the street.
    The Dark World greets me. I know it.
    Teenagers are injecting drugs.
    I'm smiling. They are useless bugs.

    Two tipsy men are leaving bar.
    They try restrain but toilet's far.
    The urine's flowing down from wall.
    I don't blame them. I know they'll fall.

    In dark by-street I see young girl.
    Some guy is stroking her light curl,
    Other hand is squeezing nice sweet lips.
    He's fucking pussy throw skirts rips.

    This is what you can't see.
    It makes heartbeat in me.
    Dark World can set you free.
    Let it be. Let it be.

    I'm slowly walking down the street.
    I'll find my brothers. I know it.
    Regardless all I must proceed.
    The Moon is shining. Let it lead.

    And night by night, and day by day,
    I'm looking for my losten way.
    My soul is sold for long sharp blade.
    My fate today is life in shade.

    But I don't feel regret or pain.
    As much I'd paid as much I'll gain.
    Dark World takes useless dreams away.
    "I'm happy!" - that's I want to say.

    This is what you can't see.
    It makes heartbeat in me.
    Dark World can set you free.
    Let it be. Let it be.

  7. #7
    Обращенный Неонат Аватар для A RabbitHearted Girl
    St. Petersburg
    Записей в дневнике

    По умолчанию

    IdeeFixe, это песня?
    Здо-ро-во! Услада моим филолого-лингвистическим чувствам.
    Вы тоже английским вплотную занимаетесь, или это сила таланта?
    А на счет ритма - это к слову. Сегодня читала All the World's Theatre Шекспира - там дело обстоит намного хуже.
    Надеюсь, никто из поделившихся работами не возражет, если я попробую себя в переводе ваших стихотворений?.. (раз никто пока больше не изъявил желания).
    А как по поводу немецкого? И любых других языков?
    Мне, кстати, с латинского приходилось стихи переводить, если найду - выложу.
    Всем спасибо.
    No more rabbits in my hat to make things right.

  8. #8
    Обращенный Избранный Аватар для Lord_Wrathgotkh

    По умолчанию

    What’s so delightful in my life?
    Even the angels wouldn’t say
    The beasts will hunt me down…
    I will become there lonely prey.

    I’m dying in warship! I’m slaying myself,
    Denying the nature of me.
    I’m hiding beneath my family’s wealth,
    I’m never what I ought to be!

    Is that what I’m supposed to do?
    Am I to hide beneath the wall?
    I’m not. Now listen what I gona do:
    I gona kill you all!!!

    I’m dying in warship! I’m slaying myself,
    Denying the nature of me.
    I’m hiding beneath my family’s wealth,
    I’m never what I ought to be!

    The funeral ends my horrible life…
    No flowers, friends, no gravestone…
    I’ve just came across my internal wife
    Her name’s Death and that’s all…

    I’m dying in warship! I’m slaying myself,
    Denying the nature of me.
    I’m hiding beneath my family’s wealth,
    I’m never what I ought to be!

  9. #9
    Обращенный Неонат Аватар для A RabbitHearted Girl
    St. Petersburg
    Записей в дневнике

    По умолчанию

    Перевод песни гномов из "Хоббита" Дж.Р.Р.Толкина:

    Мы в подземельях мглистых гор,
    Где мрак пещер и холод нор,
    Отыщем, лишь забрезжит свет,
    Блеск зачарованных монет.

    Заклятья гномами плелись,
    И молоты взлетали ввысь,
    И в глубине был крепок сон
    Подземных тварей тех времен.

    Мерцал в руке эфес меча...
    Трудами гномов получал
    Король и эльфов властелин
    Сокровища из тех глубин.

    Поймав луну и солнце в сеть,
    Они торопятся успеть
    Венец и ожерелий нить
    Драконьим пламенем омыть.

    Мы в подземелья мглистых гор,
    Где мрак пещер и холод нор,
    Уйдем и, лишь забрезжит свет,
    Вернем забытый блеск монет.

    Узоры кубков, арфы звук -
    Лились из-под умелых рук.
    Но только песни не слышны
    Из потаенной глубины.

    Сосновый бор шумел в ночи,
    Где ветра крик еще звучит,
    Багровым светом вспыхнул лес,
    Огонь вознесся до небес.

    В долине - колокольный звон.
    Бледнеют лица, плач и стон,
    Дракона гнев, и только тьма -
    Где были башни и дома.

    Клубится дым, и час настал -
    Оставив свой подземный зал,
    Бежали гномы в час ночной
    Под серебрившейся луной.

    Мы в подземельях мглистых гор,
    Где мрак пещер и холод нор,
    Отыщем, лишь забрезжит свет,
    И отвоюем блеск монет!


    Far over the misty mountains cold
    To dungeons deep and caverns old
    We must away ere break of day
    To seek the pale enchanted gold.

    The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
    While hammers fell like ringing bells
    In places deep, where dark things sleep,
    In hollow halls beneath the fells.

    For ancient king and elvish lord
    There many a gloaming golden hoard
    They shaped and wrought, and light they caught
    To hide in gems on hilt of sword.

    On silver necklaces they strung
    The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
    The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
    They meshed the light of moon and sun.

    Far over the misty mountains cold
    To dungeons deep and caverns old
    We must away, ere break of day,
    To claim our long-forgotten gold.

    Goblets they carved there for themselves
    And harps of gold; where no man delves
    There lay they long, and many a song
    Was sung unheard by men or elves.

    The pines were roaring on the height,
    The winds were moaning in the night.
    The fire was red, it flaming spread;
    The trees like torches biased with light,

    The bells were ringing in the dale
    And men looked up with faces pale;
    The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
    Laid low their towers and houses frail.

    The mountain smoked beneath the moon;
    The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
    They fled their hall to dying -fall
    Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

    Far over the misty mountains grim
    To dungeons deep and caverns dim
    We must away, ere break of day,
    To win our harps and gold from him!
    No more rabbits in my hat to make things right.

  10. #10
    Солнечное Зло Верховный Вампир Аватар для фЫрк
    на адском облачке
    Записей в дневнике

    По умолчанию

    Death is perfect

    We smiled all day
    At last we break
    Can't find what to say
    Every word is a fake
    Sometimes it is better
    Just stay in silence
    And write a letter
    With detailed guidance
    My name is the madness
    Don't look in my eyes
    They'ru full of great sadness
    Centuries' cries
    You will not cope
    With tonnes of tears
    I have no more hope
    It's the worst of the fears
    For me death is perfect
    The dead doesn't lie
    I cannot even doubt it
    Death's stronger than life
    You cannot destroy it
    It will come anyway
    And life's last heat
    Will be death, lord you or a slave.

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